Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treaters were cute

Did ya have many Trick or Treaters last night?  We had three large bowls of tootsie rolls worth...cutest ones were a cockroach and a fireman.  Both little boys from the neighborhood about 2-3 years old.  Bill asked the one little guy "Oooo, what are you?"  And was answered rather matter of factly - "A Cockroach!"  LOL!  The door greater sat patiently on her stoop as each one of the kids grabbed a handful of tootsie rolls...she was, however, in costume.  A leopard, this year.  Hope you enjoy Miss Petunia and her "costume"...

1 comment:

ike said...

Ooooh - this is sooo cool. Did you do/paint this yourself ???
Ike xxxx